Video: Hewlett Packard Labs teams with Mentor for LightSuite Photonic Compiler

“Mentor’s LightSuite Photonic Compiler represents a quantum leap in automating what has up to now been a highly manual, full-custom process that required deep knowledge of photonics as well as electronics,” said Joe Sawicki, vice president and general manager of the Design-to-Silicon Division at Mentor, a Siemens business. “With the new LightSuite Photonic Compiler, Mentor is enabling more companies to push the envelope in creating integrated photonic designs.”

SC17 Invited Talk to Look at Computing with Physics

SC17 continues their series of Session Previews with discussion with Dr. Catherine Graves from HP Labs about her upcoming Invited Talk. “I will present our work implementing a prototype hardware accelerator dot product engine (DPE) for vector-matrix multiplication (VMM). VMM is a bottleneck for many applications, particularly in neural networks, and can be performed in the analog domain using Ohm’s law for multiplication and Kirchoff’s current law for summation.”