The HPC Advisory Council has posted their agenda for the 2nd Annual HPCAC Brazil Conference 2015. The event will take place Aug. 26 at Laboratório Nacional de Computação in Rio de Janeiro.
Petrobrás Brazil: Big Compute, Big Net & Big Data
In this video from the HPCAC Brazil Conference, Luiz Monnerat from Petrobrás Brazil presents: Big Compute, Big Net & Big Data: How to be Big. “Luiz Rodolpho Monnerat, D.Sc., senior engineer and consultant for ICT Petrobras is a leading expert in supercomputing Brazil, being the professional who spearheaded the project for the creation and implementation of infrastructure one of the largest supercomputers in the world, Grifo04.”
Video: The Future of HPC and The Path to Exascale
“In this session we will discuss technologies recently announced by NVIDIA and how they help address key HPC challenges such as energy efficiency to get closer to achieving Exascale. We will also discuss the use of HPC in Brazil and how Brazil compares and can learn from the experience of other BRIC countries.”
Supermicro: Industry-Standard Green HPC Systems
In this video from the HPC Advisory Council Brazil Conference, Attila A. Nagy presents: Industry-Standard Green HPC Systems.
Video: The Exascale Architecture
“Exascale levels of computing pose many system- and application- level computational challenges. Mellanox Technologies, Inc. as a provider of end-to-end communication services is progressing the foundation of the InfiniBand architecture to meet the exascale challenges. This presentation will focus on recent technology improvements which significantly improve InfiniBand’s scalability, performance, and ease of use.”
Video: Symmetry Insights for Supercomputer Network Topologies
In this video from the HPC Advisory Council Brazil Conference, Alexandre Ramos from the University of São Paulo, Brazil presents: Symmetry Insights for Supercomputer Network Topologies: Roots and Weights Lattices.
Recent Advances in High Performance Computing for Multiphysics Problems
“In this talk we consider multiphysics applications our group has been working in the last years from algorithmic, software and hardware perspectives. These encompass engineering applications such extreme wave-structure interaction phenomena in floating structures, coupled multi-material flow with heat transfer and polydisperse mixtures, the latter with applications in geology.”
Agenda Published for HPCAC Brazil Conference, May 26
The HPC Advisory Council, together with University of São Paulo, will hold the HPC Advisory Council Brazil Conference 2014 on May 26, 2014, in São Paulo. The conference will focus on HPC usage models and benefits, the future of supercomputing, latest technology developments, best practices, and advanced HPC topics. The conference is open to the public and will bring together system managers, researchers, developers, computational scientists and industry affiliates.