“DDN presents some key features of the SFA12KX such as partial rebuild and QoS for reads which are quite unique in HPC. We also discuss the latest performance results from Lustre benchmarking, particularly as they apply to awkward workloads such as seen in genomics or energy exploration, that require both streaming and transactional performance. In this talk, we present an evaluation of transactional performance and scalability in Lustre today, including random read and write performance, small file performance, and metadata performance as run on DDN SFA12KX systems.”
Parallware: Automatic Parallelization of Sequential Codes
“Parallware is a new source-to-source parallelizing commercial compiler based on a new disruptive, exclusive technology for automatic extraction of coarse-grain parallelism in sequential codes. Success cases reveal that it is effective and efficient in the auto-parallelization of full-scale real applications. Overall, Parallware improves programmability of modern HPC computers.”
Increasing the Throughput of your GPU-enabled Cluster with rCUDA
“Although the use of GPUs has generalized nowadays, including GPUs in current HPC clusters presents several drawbacks mainly related with increased costs. In this talk we present how the use of remote GPU virtualization may overcome these drawbacks while noticeably increasing the overall cluster throughput. The talk presents real throughput measurements by making use of the rCUDA remote GPU virtualization middleware.”
Video: First Experience with Lustre DNE
“HPC systems have kept growing in the last decades, producing vast amounts of data. Over time, we noticed how increasingly difficult it is to manage these data. Lustre as parallel filesystem is widely used in the HPC domain. It answers most of the requirements of the new generations of the HPC systems. Before Lustre 2.4, the metadata operation was managed by single metadata server and target. Such single operation became a kind of bottleneck. As a first step to help solving this problem Lustre multiple metadata server and targets (DNE) came out with Lustre 2.4. This talk will cover the first experience with Lustre DNE, showing some results and discussing the next step.”
Video: Cluster Optimizations – How to Achieve Optimal Performance
“To achieve good scalability performance on the HPC scientific applications typically involves good understanding of the workload though performing profile analysis, and comparing behaviors of using different hardware which pinpoint bottlenecks in different areas of the HPC cluster. In this session, a selection of HPC applications will be shown to demonstrate various methods of profiling and analysis to determine the bottleneck, and the effectiveness of the tuning to improve on the application performance.”
Video: Adventures in Parallel Filesystems
In this video from the 2014 HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference, James Coomer from DDN presents: Adventures in Parallel Filesystems. “IT is currently in the middle of a rapid evolution in both hardware (flash-technolo- gies) and software (object-storage approaches). With respect to parallel filesystems these advances can potentially both speed up IO and better cope with the volume of data – all at lower cost. We report the results of a number of technology evaluations around parallel filesystems and provide some insights into how flash and object-stores will impact HPC in the coming years.”
HPC Resources & Training in the BSC, the RES, and PRACE
“The BSC (Barcelona Supercomputing Center) is the national supercomputing center in Spain. The presentation will outline the most important services that the BSC, the RES (Spanish Supercomputing Network) and PRACE (Partnership for Advanced Computing in Europe) provides for scientific and industrial research, as well of some of the results already obtained.”
Chris Willard Presents: HPC Software in 2014
Chris Willard from Intersect360 Research presented this talk at the 2014 HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference. “This presentation presents results from our most recent end user research. It focuses on middleware and applications software use in HPC environments with emphasis on differences between segments, including: open vs. ISV suppliers, industrial vs public sectors, variations between vertical markets, and high performance business vs technical computing.”
Video: Panasas HPC Storage — Simplicity and Performance
In this video from the HPC Advisory Council Spain Conference, Jose Carreira from Panasas presents: Panasas HPC Storage — Simplicity and Performance. “NAS products for technical enterprise and research environments must deliver fast time to results and efficiently and linearly scale to extremely high levels of aggregate performance. While performance is critical, performance that comes at the expense of manageability can hamper workflows and impact productivity.”
Video: Scalable HPC Communication Capabilities
“Exascale levels of computing pose many system- and application-level computational challenges. Mellanox as a provider of end-to-end communication services is progressing the foundation of the InfiniBand architecture to meet the exascale challenges. This presentation will focus on recent technology improvements which significantly improve InfiniBand’s scalability, performance, and ease of use.”