Andrei Plamada from ETH Zurich gave this talk at the hpc-ch forum on Cloud and Containers. “Singularity is a container solution that promises to both integrate MPI applications seamlessly and run containers without privilege escalation. These benefits make Singularity a potentially good candidate for the scientific high-performance computing community. However, the performance overhead introduced by Singularity is unclear. In this work we will analyze the overhead and the user experience on both traditional HPC and cloud infrastructures.”
Benchmarking MPI Applications in Singularity Containers on Traditional HPC and Cloud Infrastructures
Towards Reproducible Data Analysis Using Cloud and Container Technologies
Sergio Maffioletti from the University of Zurich gave this talk at the hpc-ch forum on Cloud and Containers. “In this talk, we’ll provide an overview of the challenges faced by both research infrastructure providers and Science IT units, along with best practices to improve the reproducibility of data analysis using cloud and container technologies.”
Video: Kubernetes for Biomedical Analysis
Kevin Sayers from the University of Basel gave this talk at the hpc-ch forum. “The SIB Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics BioMedIT project is developing the computing infrastructure which will enable biomedical analyses on sensitive human data across multiple sites as part of the Swiss Personalized Health Network. This presentation will focus on our experience assessing Kubernetes to support these biomedical workloads, and the benefits it provides to researchers in the community.”
Call for Participation: hpc-ch Forum on Intra- and Inter-Site Networking
The hpc-ch Forum on Intra- and Inter-Site Networking has posted its Call for Participation. Hosted by the University of Zurich, the event will take place Thursday, May 19, 2016.