Dr. Lewey Anton reports on who’s moving on up in High Peformance Computing. Familiar names in this edition include: Sharan Kalwani, John Lee, Jay Muelhoefer, Brian Sparks, and Ed Turkel. And be sure to let us know of HPC folks in new positions!
HPC People on the Move: Halloween Edition
Lewey Anton reports on who’s jumping ship and moving on up in high performance computing. Familiar names this month include Ron Blessing, Rick Friedman, Karl Freund, and Mark Woodyard.
HPC People on the Move: October Edition
I’ve been commissioned by insideHPC to get the scoop on who’s jumping ship and moving on up in high performance computing. Familiar names this week include Mary Bass, Wilf Pinfold, and Mike Vildibill.
HPC People on the Move: Back to School Edition
It’s me again–Dr. Lewey Anton. I’ve been commissioned by insideHPC to get the scoop on who’s jumping ship and moving on up in high performance computing. Familiar names in this edition include: David Barkai, Ben Bennet, Bob Buck, and Peter ffoulkes.
HPC People on the Move – August Edition
Dr. Lewey Anton reports on who’s jumping ship and moving on up in high performance computing. Familiar names on the move include Dr. Ilkay Altintas, Glenn Lockwood, and Wilf Pinfold.
HPC People on the Move – Long, Hot Summer Edition
Dr. Lewey reports on who’s jumping ship and moving on up in high performance computing.
HPC People on the Move: June Edition
Dr. Lewey Anton reports on who’s jumping ship and moving on up in high performance computing. The spotlight is on HP this week, as Dr. Stephen Wheat has joined the company in Houston.
HPC People on the Move: May Edition
Dr. Lewey Anton reports on who’s jumping ship and moving on up in HPC. In this edition, Sumit Gupta leaves Nvidia for a new post as VP of HPC & OpenPOWER Operations at IBM.
HPC People on the Move – April Edition
Dr. Lewey Anton brings us the scoop on who’s jumping ship and moving on up in high performance computing.
HPC People on the Move: Spring Break Edition
It’s me again–Dr. Lewey Anton. I’ve been commissioned by insideHPC to get the scoop on who’s jumping ship and moving on up in high performance computing. Find out what’s up with familiar names like Adalio Sanchez and Thomas Zacharia.