In this video, Justin Baba from the University of Tennessee and Oak Ridge National Laboratory describes how HPC transforms medical diagnostic imaging. “A lot of studies have been published on the impact of detecting or tracking the polarization of photons,” Baba says. “But there isn’t much understanding of what is actually occurring as these photons are scattering and propagating through the media. We have captured step by step what is taking place at each scattering event and the effects on the photons’ properties due to a scattering event. So we are able to elucidate what is already out there in the literature.”
SC15 HPC Transforms – but how, what, where, when, why and for whom?
In this special guest feature from the Print’nFly Guide to SC15 in Austin, Peter ffoulkes from OrionX looks at how HPC Transforms. “If we thought the last five years were disruptive, we may not have seen anything yet, and in many ways the HPC community will continue to lead that transformation, even if it does not always receive recognition for that leadership. The general enterprise market shift towards a data-centric focus, based upon “big-data”, the impending deluge of sensor data from “The Internet of Things”, and real-time analytics using in-memory databases could be the best thing that has happened to the HPC community in decades.”
Council on Competitiveness Report: HPC Transforms Manufacturing
Today the Council on Competitiveness published a new report from the National Digital Engineering Manufacturing Consortium (NDEMC). Entitled “Modeling, Simulation and Analysis, and High Performance Computing: Force Multiplier for American Innovation,” the 88 age report explores how HPC transforms manufacturing.
Video: HPC Transforms with SC15 Student Cluster Competition
In this video, three participants in past SC Student Cluster Competitions describe how the event gives them valuable hands-on experience and has served as a career pathway.