Simulation and Data Sciences in the Exascale, Neuromorphic and Quantum Computing Era

Thomas Lippert presented this talk at The Digital Future conference. “The Human Brain Project brings together neuroscientists, physicians, computer scientists, physicists, mathematicians and computer specialists from internationally respected scientific institutions in 23 countries. Their goal is to simulate the complete human brain within the next ten years using a supercomputer of the future. The simulation will be accurate in every detail, and will take in aspects such as genetics, the molecular level and the interaction of whole cell clusters.”

European Research Infrastructure Launched for Human Brain Project

The Human Brain Project (HBP) is developing a shared European research infrastructure with the aim of examining the organization of the brain using detailed analyses and simulations and thus combating neurological and psychiatric disorders. For this purpose, the HBP is creating new information technologies like neurosynaptic processors which are based on the principles governing how the human brain works.

Agenda Posted for HPC User Forum in Tucson, April 11-13

IDC has published the agenda for their next HPC User Forum. The event will take place April 11-13 in Tucson, AZ. “Don’t miss the chance to hear top experts on these high-innovation, high-growth areas of the HPC market. At this meeting, you’ll also hear about government initiatives to get ready for future-generation supercomputers, machine learning, and High Performance Data Analytics.”

How to Move HPC Forward in Europe

“With a differentiated strategy, sufficient investment, and political will, Europe has what it takes to be a global player and to achieve this ambitious goal. We believe that, with a common effort by all public and private actors in HPC – including EU member states, industry, academia, and the European Commission – Europe can make it happen.”

Thomas Lippert on Why the Human Brain Project Needs HPC and Data Analytics Infrastructures

In this video from the Neuroinformatics 2015 Conference, Thomas Lippert from Jülich presents: Why Does the Human Brain Project Need HPC and Data Analytics Infrastructures? HBP, the human brain project, is one of two European flagship projects foreseen to run for 10 years. The HBP aims at creating an open neuroscience driven infrastructure for simulation and big data aided modeling and research with a credible user program.

Top HPC Centers Meet in Barcelona at JLESC

Top researchers from six of the largest supercomputing centers got together in Barcelona at the beginning of this month for the Joint Laboratory for Extreme‐Scale Computing (JLESC) to discuss the challenges for future supercomputers.

How the Human Brain Project will Push Supercomputing

Over at, Bernd Mohr writes that Europe’s Human Brain Project will have a main production system located at the Juelich Supercomputing Centre. “The HBP supercomputer will be built in stages, with an intermediate “pre-exascale” system on the order of 50 petaflops planned for the 2016-18 timeframe. Full brain simulations are expected to require exascale capabilities, which, according to most potential suppliers’ roadmaps, are likely to be available in, approximately 2021-22.”

Cray, Dell, Extoll, IBM & Nvidia to Develop Pilots for Human Brain Project

This week the Jülich Supercomputing Centre announced it is leading the creation of the Human Brain Project’s High Performance Computing (HPC) Platform.