At its Think 2022 conference this week, IBM declared its intent to deliver a 4,000+ qubit processor (“Kookaburra”) built with multiple clusters of scaled quantum computing processors. The updated quantum plan comes a year after IBM’s last roadmap announcement at Think 2021, in which IBM doubled down on delivering a 1,121-qubit processor by 2023. Now […]
A Primer on Quantum Computing… with Doughnuts!
Jessica Pointing from MIT gave this talk at the IBM Think conference. “Because atoms and subatomic particles behave in strange and complex ways, classical physics can not explain their quantum behavior. However, when the behavior is harnessed effectively, systems become far more powerful than classical computers… quantum powerful.”
Video: IBM Quantum Computing will be “Mainstream in Five Years”
Talia Gershon from the Thomas J. Watson Research Center gave this talk at the 2018 IBM Think conference. “There is a whole class of problems that are too difficult for even the largest and most powerful computers that exist today to solve. These exponential challenges include everything from simulating the complex interactions of atoms and molecules to optimizing supply chains. But quantum computers could enable us to solve these problems, unleashing untold opportunities for business.”