Today HPE announced it has been selected to provide new supercomputers for the DoD High Performance Computing Modernization Program (HPCMP) to accelerate the development and acquisition of advanced national security capabilities. “The DoD’s continuous investment in supercomputing innovation is a clear testament to this development and an important contribution to U.S. national security. HPE has been a strategic partner with the HPCMP for two decades, and we are proud that the DoD now significantly extends this partnership, acknowledging HPE’s sustained leadership in high performance computing.”
NEC Deploys Sator Supercomputer at ONERA in France
NEC has deployed a new supercomputer at the ONERA center in France to power aerospace research. Called SATOR, the 667 Teraflop machine features Intel Broadwell E5-2680v4 processors and the Intel Omni-Path interconnect. “According to NEC, ONERA plans to upgrade the machine to 1.14 Petaflops peak sometime later this year.”
Intel’s Al Gara Presents: Technology Opportunities Like Never Before
Al Gara from gave this talk at the Intel HPC Developer Conference in Denver. “Technology visionaries architecting the future of HPC and AI will share the key challenges as well as Intel’s direction. The talk will cover the adaptation of AI into HPC workflows, along their perspective architectural developments, upcoming transitions and range of solutions, technology opportunities, and the driving forces behind them.”
Intel Omni-Path Architecture: The Real Numbers
In this slidecast, Joe Yaworski from Intel describes the Intel Omni-Path architecture and how it scales performance for a wide range of HPC applications. He also shows why recently published benchmarks have not reflected the real performance story.
Intel Omni Path Gains Momentum at SC17
“On the November 2017 TOP500 list, Intel-powered supercomputers accounted for six of the top 10 systems and a record high of 471 out of 500 systems. Intel Omni-Path Architecture (Intel OPA) gained momentum, delivering a majority of the petaFLOPS of systems using 100Gb fabric delivering over 80 petaFLOPS, an almost 20 percent increase compared with the June 2017 Top500 list. In addition, Intel OPA now connects almost 60 percent of nodes using 100Gb fabrics on the Top500 list. Also, Intel powered all 137 new systems added to the November list.”
Energy-efficient CoolMUC-3 Cluster comes to LRZ in Germany
An new energy-efficient supercomputer called CoolMUC-3 has been deployed at LRZ in Germany. Developed by MEGWARE, the HPC cluster features Intel’s many-core architecture and warm-water cooled Omni-Path switches. “In the long run, we want to get rid of inefficient air-cooling completely.”
Russian RSC Group Joins the Intel Select Solutions for HPC Program
Last week at SC17, Russian HPC vendor RSC Group showcased the next generation of their liquid-cooled RSC Tornado supercomputers based on Intel Xeon Scalable Processors. “RSC is demonstrating a full set of components for modern HPC computing systems of different scale with 100% direct liquid cooling in ‘hot water’ mode, including high-performance RSC Tornado computing nodes based on the top-bin Intel Xeon Platinum and Intel Xeon Gold processors (part of the Intel Xeon Scalable platform), Intel Server Board S2600BP, high-speed NVMe solid state drives in high-dense М.2 format and the latest Intel Optane SSD DC P4800X Series. The RSC Tornado solution is built using 100% direct liquid cooled Intel Omni-Path Edge Switch 100 Series that ensures end-to-end efficiency of the cooling solution with ‘hot water’ and eventually the lowest possible total cost of ownership of the system.”
Supermicro Powers Advanced Analytics at NASA NCCS
Today Supermicro announced that the company has partnered with the NASA Center for Climate Simulation (NCCS) to expand advanced computing and data analytics used to study the Earth, solar system and universe. Based on the combination of density, system performance and optimized cost, the Supermicro FatTwin-based solution brings an additional 1.56 PetaFlops to NASA researchers. The Rack Scale solution is factory integrated at Supermicro’s Silicon Valley headquarters to deliver optimal reliability and efficiency.
Video: System Interconnects for HPC
In this video from the 2017 Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing, Pavan Balaji from Argonne presents an overview of system interconnects for HPC. “The Argonne Training Program on Extreme-Scale Computing (ATPESC) provides intensive, two weeks of training on the key skills, approaches, and tools to design, implement, and execute computational science and engineering applications on current high-end computing systems and the leadership-class computing systems of the future.”
Podcast: Intel Omni-Path adds Performance and Scalalability
“Intel OPA, part of Intel Scalable System Framework, is a high-performance fabric enabling the responsiveness, throughput, and scalability required by today’s and tomorrow’s most-demanding high performance computing workloads. In this interview, Misage talks about market uptake in Intel OPA’s first year of availability, reports on some of the first HPC deployments using the Intel Xeon Scalable platform and Intel OPA, and gives a sneak peek of what Intel OPA will be talking about at SC17.”