Radio Free HPC: The Persistence of Memory

In this episode, we drill down on what Intel is doing with their cool Optane memory tech, shooting for speeds that remind you of memory, sizes that look like storage, and costs that make it look like a deal, with real byte-addressable persistent memory right inside the server – or block-addressable, if you want. This is a space that was bound to get filled and we’ve been watching the industry’s progress.

BSC takes one of top spots in the IO500 10-Node Challenge

The Storage Systems for Extreme Computing team from BSC has taken the number 4 spot in the IO500’s ‘10- Node Challenge’ with GekkoFS. “The IO500’s “10-Node Challenge” list is a global ranking that uses multiple concurrent processes running in 10 compute nodes to benchmark the I/O performance of a HPC storage system in terms or bandwidth and throughput. GekkoFS’ score of 125 ranks it fourth in IO500’s 10-Node Challenge List and ninth in IO500’s Full List, with an average 21.41 GiB/s of bandwidth and an average of 728,680 operations per second.”

Podcast: Achieving Low Latency with the SPDK Storage Performance Development Kit

In this Intel Chip Chat podcast, Dr. Felipe Franciosi from Nutanix and Nate Marushak from Intel describe how the open source reference library called SPDK (Storage Performance Development Kit) brings higher performance to the data center. “A decade ago, when slow hard disk drives were the heart of a data center, efficiency was improved by designing software to avoid accessing physical media. Innovations in persistent memory and in networking technology have already brought vast improvements. For systems that are latency-sensitive, applying SPDK can address software bottlenecks and open the way to even higher performance.”