Today Allinea Software announced it is providing access to its software development tools to organizations that have been awarded Intel Parallel Computing Center status as part of the Intel sponsored code-modernization initiatives.
STFC Hartree Becomes Latest Intel Parallel Computing Center
The STFC Hartree Centre in the UK is now an Intel Parallel Computing Center (IPCC).
Video: PRACE Award Winners – Sustained Petascale Seismic Simulations
In this video from ISC’14, Alex Heinecke from Intel and Sebastian Rettenberger from the Technical University of Munich describe their award-winning paper on volcano simulation. “Seismic simulations in realistic 3D Earth models require peta- or even exascale compute power to capture small-scale features of high relevance for scientific and industrial applications. In this paper, we present optimizations of SeisSol — a seismic wave propagation solver based on the Arbitrary high-order accurate DERivative (ADER) Discontinuous Galerkin method on fully adaptive, unstructured tetrahedral meshes — to run simulations under production conditions at petascale performance.”
COSMOS Facility is the Latest Intel Parallel Computing Center
Today Cambridge University announced that COSMOS supercomputer facility is now an Intel Parallel Compute Center.
ETH Zurich is now an Intel Parallel Computing Center
Torsten Hoeffler writes that the Scalable Parallel Computing Lab at ETH Zurich is now an Intel Parallel Computing Center (IPCC).
Georgia Tech is Now an Intel Parallel Computing Center
The Georgia Institute of Technology is now the latest Intel Parallel Computing Center (IPCC).
CSC in Finland Becomes Latest Intel Parallel Computing Center
Today CSC in Finland announced that the institution has become one of the newest Intel Parallel Computing Centers.
Newest Intel Parallel Computing Centers: NCAR & CU Boulder
Today the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR) and the University of Colorado Boulder announced that they will join the Intel Parallel Computing Centers program.