“For those that develop HPC applications, there are usually two main areas that must be considered. The first is the translation of the algorithm, whether simulation based, physics based or pure research into the code that a modern computer system can run. A second challenge is how to move from the implementation of an algorithm to the performance that takes advantage of modern CPUs and accelerators.”
Intel Developer Summer Workshops Coming to Stanford
Intel is offering a 4-part summer series of developer training workshops at Stanford University to introduce high performance computing tools.
Podcast: Top 10 Ways Intel Will Drive HPC Democratization in 2016
The use of High Performance Computing continues to grow in the enterprise and beyond. In this podcast, James Reinders from Intel describes how Intel will continue to drive HPC democratization in 2016. “At Intel, our passion to help drive the democratization of HPC is exemplified by many things. Here is my list of ten things which caught my attention as being most significant as we enter 2016.”