“Over two decades, Intel continued its efforts to refine libraries optimized to coax the greatest performance from Intel® processors. In this video, Noah Clemons, staff technical consulting engineer at Intel talks about the latest specialized libraries and their contributions for highly-optimized applications.”
Flow Graph Analyzer – Speed Up Your Applications
Using the Intel® Advisor Flow Graph Analyzer (FGA), an application such as those that are needed for autonomous driving can be developed and implemented using very high performing underlying software and hardware. Under the Intel FGA, are the Intel Threaded Building Blocks which take advantage of the multiple cores that are available on all types of systems today.
A Decade of Multicore Parallelism with Intel TBB
While HPC developers worry about squeezing out the ultimate performance while running an application on dedicated cores, Intel TBB tackles a problem that HPC users never worry about: How can you make parallelism work well when you share the cores that you run upon?” This is more of a concern if you’re running that application on a many-core laptop or workstation than a dedicated supercomputer because who knows what will also be running on those shared cores. Intel Threaded Building Blocks reduce the delays from other applications by utilizing a revolutionary task-stealing scheduler. This is the real magic of TBB.