Intel’s Infrastructure Processing Unit Targets Hyperscaler Data Centers

Intel has unveiled a programmable networking device for hyperscalers and their massive data center infrastructures. Called the Infrastructure Processing Unit and announced at Intel made the announcement during the Six Five Summit, it’s a networking device is intended to help cloud and communication service providers cut overhead and free up performance for CPUs, to better utilize […]

Webinar: Transform Your Data Center with Our IPU-POD Scale-out Technology

Don’t miss Graphcore’s upcoming webinar “Transform Your Data Center with Our IPU-POD Scale-out Technology” on January 27, 2021 at 16:00 GMT, 8:00 PT, 11:00 ET. IPU-POD is Graphcore’s unique scale-out solution for high-performance machine intelligence compute, ideal for experimentation to prototype to production systems from IPU-M2000 with 4 IPUs up to supercomputing scale.

The Graphcore Second Generation IPU

Our friends over at Graphcore, the U.K.-based startup that launched the Intelligence Processing Unit (IPU) for AI acceleration in 2018, has released a new whitepaper introducing the IPU-Machine. This second-generation platform has greater processing power, more memory and built-in scalability for handling extremely large parallel processing workloads. This paper explores the new platform and assesses its strengths and weaknesses compared to the growing cadre of potential competitors.

The Graphcore Second Generation IPU

Our friends over at Graphcore, the U.K.-based startup that launched the Intelligence Processing Unit (IPU) for AI acceleration in 2018, has released a new whitepaper introducing the IPU-Machine. This second-generation platform has greater processing power, more memory and built-in scalability for handling extremely large parallel processing workloads. This paper will explores the new platform and assess its strengths and weaknesses compared to the growing cadre of potential competitors.