ACM Presents Winners of Gordon Bell Climate Modelling Prize

Atlanta, Nov. 21, 2024 – ACM, the Association for Computing Machinery, today presented a 12-member team with the ACM Gordon Bell Prize for Climate Modelling for their project “Boosting Earth System Model Outputs And Saving PetaBytes in Their Storage Using Exascale Climate Emulators.” The award recognizes innovative parallel computing contributions toward solving the global climate crisis.  The members […]

@HPCpodcast at SC22: An Analysis of the New TOP500 List

This special SC22 edition looks at the new TOP500 list of the world’s most powerful supercomputers, released today. It marks the 60th edition of the list, repesenting 30 years of systematic data on the highest performing computer architecture and configurations. While this TOP500 is not full of surprises, there’s a new no. 1 at the top of the GREEN500, and across all the categories of the list there’s always important historical data and valuable tea leaves pointing to future trends….