Brian Barrett from Amazon gave this talk at the 2018 OpenFabrics Workshop. “As network performance becomes a larger bottleneck in application performance, AWS is investing in improving HPC network performance. Our initial investment focused on improving performance in open source MPI implementations, with positive results. Recently, however, we have pivoted to focusing on using libfabric to improve point to point performance.”
Video: Past, Present, and Future of OpenFabrics Interfaces
“The first release of OpenFabrics Interfaces (OFI) software, libfabric, occurred in January of 2015. Since then, the number of fabrics and applications supported by OFI has increased, with considerable industry momentum building behind it. This talk discusses the current state of OFI, then speaks to the application requirements driving it forward. It will detail the fabrics supported by libfabric, identify applications which have ported to it, and outline future enhancements to the libfabric interfaces and architecture.”
RCE Podcast: A Look at the Libfabric Implementation of Open Fabrics
In this RCE Podcast, Brock Palen and Jeff Squyres host Sean Hefty from Intel for a discussion about Libfabric, a software implementation of Open Fabrics Interfaces (OFI).