Today Univa announced Navops Command, a ground breaking software suite that implements sophisticated workload placement and advanced policy management for enterprises to take full advantage of containers on any Kubernetes distribution.
Today Univa announced Navops Command, a ground breaking software suite that implements sophisticated workload placement and advanced policy management for enterprises to take full advantage of containers on any Kubernetes distribution.
[SPONSORED GUEST ARTICLE] How exascale systems have been stood up has been recounted in detail, as has the dramatic moment when Frontier achieved exascale status. Now the focus has shifted to the work research organizations are doing with exascale, how it’s actually changing the world ….
Clustering may sound exotic, it isn’t. Cluster technology relies on fast networks and some clever software to schedule and manage big, complex computing jobs on relatively inexpensive server and networking technology. Major players in industries from pharmaceuticals to oil and gas exploration to chip design bet their bottom lines on clusters and they win big. You can do likewise.