<SPONSORED CONTENT> The 2021 ISC Student Cluster Competition (SCC) has wrapped up, and now it’s time to honor the students who participated from around the world, as well as provide a little background on what transpired during the 10th Annual ISC Student Cluster Competition. But first, a little background. The ISC Student Cluster Competition is […]
ISC 2020 Student Cluster Competition: The Winner Is….
Students from China’s University of Science and Technology (USTC) won first place in this year’s annual Student Cluster Competition at the ISC 2020 Digital conference. This year’s competition focused on the global fight against Covid-19 by including applications that address education and applied learning towards accelerating bioscience research and discovery. The teams, totaling 80 students, were tasked to test several applications used by scientists and researchers for finding a cure for the pandemic.
APAC HPC-AI Competition Expands to Address COVID-19
The HPC-AI Advisory Council and the National Supercomputing Centre in Singapore announced today that they have joined the global fight against COVID-19 by expanding the 2020 APAC HPC-AI competition to address education and applied learning towards accelerating bioscience research and discovery. “As part of the updated competition, student teams are now tasked to research, find and choose an HPC or AI application that can potentially be used as part of the global fight against COVID-19. Teams must demonstrate testing and benchmarking of the application, as well as explain how this application can best be accelerated. In addition, teams will also be required to focus on tuning and accelerating NAMD, a molecular dynamics code designed for high-performance simulation of large biomolecular systems.”
Student Teams Encouraged to Join the 3rd APAC HPC-AI Competition
Student teams are encouraged to apply for the 2020 APAC HPC-AI Competition. Continuing the success of the previous competitions, student teams will square off against international teams to produce solutions and applications in the High-Performance Computing and Artificial Intelligence domains. “We hope that the HPC-AI training established among our young aspiring programmers can help us tackle global threats such as COVID-19 and accelerate an improved response to future pandemics.”
National Supercomputing Centre Singapore and Global Gene Corp to Collaborate on Precision Medicine
The National Supercomputing Center Singapore and Global Gene Corp have exchanged a Memorandum of Understanding to benefit the future of Singapore’s Precision Medicine Initiative. The collaboration allows GGC to leverage NSCC’s High-Performance Computing platform for genomics applications and for NSCC to tap on GGC’s expertise to create the next generation supercomputing infrastructure which will benefit genomics and the precision medicine initiative in Singapore.