Good October morning to you! We kick off HPC News Bytes for the month with a raft of developments in the world of HPC-AI, including: A new report on staggering data center energy costs, NTT on positive developments in optical computing and networking ….
HPC News Bytes 20241007: Staggering Data Center Energy Costs, Optical Computing Update, AI at Decade’s End
NTT: All-Photonics Network Activated between Taiwan and Japan
NTT Corp. and Chunghwa Telecom announced they have activated the first all-photonics network between Taiwan and Japan with approximately 17 msec on an approximately 3,000 km one-way network, according to the companies.
NTT Demonstrates Optical Fiber Monitoring Technology for All-Photonics Network
TOKYO – August 20, 2024 – NTT Corporation (NTT) has developed technology to visualize the state of end-to-end fiber-optic links without using measuring equipment and succeeded, according to the company, for the first time in demonstrating the world’s highest accuracy in a North American field-deployed environment simulating a commercial network. This technology will advance the […]
Graphene Plasmon: NTT and Univ. of Tokyo Control THz-Region for High-Speed Signal Processing
NTT Corporation and The University of Tokyo announced they have generated and controlled graphene plasmon wave packets with a pulse width of 1.2 picoseconds. They said this offers a novel approach to THz ….
NTT: Photonics Network Connects Data Centers in U.S. and U.K.
NTT Corporation (NTT) and NTT DATA announced the successful demonstration of All-Photonics Network (APN)-driven connections between data centers in the United States and the United Kingdom. In the U.K., NTT connected data centers north and east of London….
NTT and Red Hat Fuel AI Analysis at the Edge with IOWN Technologies
MWC BARCELONA – February 26, 2024 — As part of the Innovative Optical and Wireless Network (IOWN) initiative, NTT Corporation (NTT) and Red Hat, Inc., in collaboration with NVIDIA and Fujitsu, have jointly developed a solution to enhance and extend the potential for real-time artificial intelligence (AI) data analysis at the edge. Using technologies developed by the […]
NTT Reports Increase in Optical Transmission Capacity, Reduced Power Consumption
Tokyo – Oct. 12, 2023 – NTT Corporation (NTT) said it successfully demonstrated technology that expands transmission capacity while reducing energy use by 67 percent in optical communications platforms; specifically, the C band (near the wavelength of 1550 nm—a major communication wavelength band). To demonstrate this expansion in capacity reduction in power consumption, NTT utilized multi-core […]
Preferred Networks in Japan Deploys 4.7 Petaflop Supercomputer for Deep Learning
Today Preferred Networks announced the launch of a private supercomputer designed to facilitate research and development of deep learning, including autonomous driving and cancer diagnosis. The new 4.7 Petaflop machine is one of the most powerful to be developed by the private sector in Japan and is equipped with NTT Com and NTTPC’s GPU platform, and contains 1,024 NVIDIA Tesla P100 GPUs.