Over at IBM, Sumit Gupta writes that the company has enabled record-breaking image recognition capabilities that make Deep Learning much more practical at scale. “The bottom line is that the record IBM broke slashes Deep Learning training time from days to hours, which will enable customers to more easily address larger technical challenges significantly faster.”
Analytics for Massive Datasets Using High Density GPU Accelerators
Cloud computing providers are now allowing users to rent GPU power in the cloud for big data analytics instead of building or buying their own hardware. In this week’s Sponsored Post, Katie Rivera, of One Stop Systems, explains the technology behind analytics for massive datasets using high density GPU accelerators.
AMAX Showcases Virtualization Solutions for GPUs at GTC 2017
In this video from GTC 2017, Dr. Rene Meyer from AMAX describes the company’s innovative virtualization solutions for GPU computing. “What we are showcasing here is a very interesting solution—a hardware/software solution. We not only present the hardware, but we put a software layer on top, which allows you to virtualize GPUs in those machines.”
GPU Accelerators in Today’s Data Center: Performance & Efficiency
NVIDIA is a leading provider of GPU accelerators that are used in many High Performance Computing environments. This research paper from Gabriel Consulting Group explains the need for this new generation of hardware in today’s data center and looks at what new technologies actual users are looking for.
Ace Computers Adds NVIDIA Tesla P100 to HPC Clusters
Today Ace Computers from Illinois announced that the company is integrating the new Nvidia Tesla P100 accelerators into select HPC clusters. “Nvidia has been a trusted partner for many years,” said Ace Computers CEO John Samborski. “We are especially enthusiastic about this P100 accelerator and the transformative effect it promises to have on the clusters we are building for enterprises, academic institutions and research facilities.”