Noctua Supercomputer Inaugurated at Paderborn University

A new supercomputer called “Noctua” was inaugurated recently at Paderborn University. The high-performance computing system is expected to be one of the ten most powerful university installations within Germany. “Integrating a high ratio of state-of-the-art FPGAs in an advanced supercomputer cluster system will provide a remarkable heterogeneous computing platform that enables researchers to perform a new dimension of experiments.”

Cray to build FPGA-Accelerated Supercomputer for Paderborn University

Today Paderborn University in Germany announced that it has selected a Cray CS500 cluster system as its next-generation supercomputer. This procurement is the first phase of the Noctua project in which a multi-petaflop-system with a total budget of 10M euros. The initial HPC system provides academic researchers from Paderborn University and nationwide with computing resources primarily for computational material science, optoelectronics and photonics, and computer system research. The system is expected to go into production in 2018.