Video: Simulating Cosmic Structure Formation

“Numerical simulations on supercomputers play an ever more important role in astrophysics. They have become the tool of choice to predict the non-linear outcome of the initial conditions left behind by the Big Bang, providing crucial tests of cosmological theories. However, the problem of galaxy and star formation confronts us with a staggering multi-physics complexity and an enormous dynamic range that severely challenges existing numerical methods.”

Materials Discovery by Computation – a Revolution Still in the Making

“We will describe recent progress and successes obtained in predicting properties of matter by quantum simulations, and discuss algorithmic challenges in connection with the use of evolving high-performance computing architectures. We will also discuss open issues related to the validation of the approximate, first principles theories used in large-scale quantum simulations.”

Video: Satoshi Matsuoka on HPC Trends from PASC15

In this video from PASC15, Torsten Hoefler from ETH Zurich discusses HPC trends with Satoshi Matsuoka from the Tokyo Institute of Technology. Along the way, Matsuoka describes lessons learned during this multi-disciplinary conference about application requirements on the road to exascale.

Video: The Great Leap (Computing the Uncomputable Climate System)

“Increasing computational power and advances in algorithms have made it possible to resolve an ever increasing fraction of the scales of atmospheric motion. While it remains inconceivable to resolve all the relevant scales of motion we are currently in the midst of a great leap across a range of scales that have posed some of the greatest challenges to climate science over the past sixty years. This leap is bringing wholly new insights into the structure of the climate system on both ends of the spectrum of atmospheric motions.”

Video: Towards Exascale Simulation of Turbulent Combustion

“Exascale computing will enable combustion simulations in parameter regimes relevant to next-generation combustors burning alternative fuels. The first principles direct numerical simulations (DNS) are needed to provide the underlying science base required to develop vastly more accurate predictive combustion models used ultimately to design fuel efficient, clean burning vehicles, planes, and power plants for electricity generation.”