Today PEARC17 announced that 66 students will attend their conference coming up July 9-13 in New Orleans. PEARC17—Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing 2017—is for those engaged with the challenges of using and operating advanced research computing on campuses or for the academic and open science communities. This year’s inaugural conference offers a robust technical program, as well as networking, professional growth and multiple student participation opportunities.
Micron Foundation Supports PEARC17 Student Program with STEM-Trek
Today the STEM-Trek nonprofit announced that donation from Micron Foundation will make it possible for more scholars to participate in the PEARC17 conference and student program. The Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing conference will be held in New Orleans, Louisiana, July 9-13, 2017.
“We’re delighted to support STEM-Trek and the PEARC17 Student Program,” said Dee Mooney, Micron Foundation Executive Director. “It’s a great opportunity for students to learn in a professional engineering conference environment and engage with industry icons. As they prepare to fill the STEM pipeline, professional development and networking experiences will strengthen their success in the microelectronics industry and beyond,” she added.
Google becomes STEM-Trek Supporter for PEARC17 Student Program
Today STEM-Trek announced that Google, Inc. is a STEM-Trek Platinum supporter of the PEARC17 Student Program. The donation will increase the number of students who can participate in the Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing conference which will be held July 9-13 in New Orleans.
PEARC17 Extends Technical Paper Submission Deadline to March 13
Today the PEARC17 conference extended their Technical Paper Submission Deadline to March 13, 2017. Formerly known as the XSEDE Conference, PEARC17 will take place July 9-13 in New Orleans. “PEARC17 is open to professionals and students in advanced research computing. The PEARC17 Call for Participation contains details about each of the four technical tracks of papers. The technical track paper submissions may be full papers (strongly preferred) or extended abstracts.”
Call for Participation: PEARC17 in New Orleans
The PEARC17 Conference has issued its Call for Participation. Formerly known as the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) annual conference, PEARC17 will take place July 9-13 in New Orleans. “The Technical Program for the PEARC17 includes four Paper tracks, Tutorials, Posters, a Visualization Showcase and Birds of a Feather (BoF) sessions. All submissions should emphasize experiences and lessons derived from operation and use of advanced research computing on campuses or provided for the academic and open science communities. Submissions aligned with the conference theme—Sustainability, Success, and Impact—are particularly encouraged.”
XSEDE Conference Morphs into PEARC17
The Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE) annual conference is transforming into an independent entity designed to unite the high-performance computing and advanced digital research community. The new Practice & Experience in Advanced Research Computing conference (PEARC) will welcome all who care about using advanced digital services for research. The PEARC17 Conference will take place in New Orleans, Louisiana, July 9-13, 2017.