Lubomir Riha from IT4Innovations gave this talk as part of the POP HPC webinar series. “This webinar focused on tools designed to improve the energy-efficiency of HPC applications using a methodology of dynamic tuning of HPC applications, developed under the H2020 READEX project. The READEX methodology has been designed for exploiting the dynamic behaviour of software. At design time, different runtime situations (RTS) are detected and optimized system configurations are determined. RTSs with the same configuration are grouped into scenarios, forming the tuning model. At runtime, the tuning model is used to switch system configurations dynamically.”
Exploring the Performance Optimization and Productivity Project
The “quest” for improved performance is never over, if you want to remain competitive in your respective market. Your end users will undoubtedly call for more speed in the future, and the models your clients are building are likely bigger and more complex than ever. Enter the Performance Optimisation and Productivity (PoP) project.
Slidecast: How to Improve the Performance of Parallel Codes
In this slidecast from the POP Centre of Excellence in Barcelona, Jon Gibson from NAG presents: How to Improve the Performance of Parallel Codes. As part of the EU-funded Performance Optimization and Productivity (POP) Centre of Excellence, NAG offers HPC expertise to organizations who want help to understand and improve the performance of parallel software.