In this video from PASC19 in Zurich, Technical Papers co-chair Sunita Chandrasekaran provides some highlights from the conference. After that, Sunita previews the upcoming Workshop on Performance Portable Programming Models for Accelerators (P3MA) at ISC 2019. “This workshop will provide a forum to bring together researchers and developers to discuss community’s proposals and solutions to performance.”
Call for Papers: International Workshop on Parallel Programming Models in Oregon
The Eleventh International Workshop on Parallel Programming Models and Systems Software for High-End Computing (P2S2) has issued its Call for Papers. The event takes place in August 22 in Eugene, Oregon. “The goal of this workshop is to bring together researchers and practitioners in parallel programming models and systems software for high-end computing architectures. Please join us in a discussion of new ideas, experiences, and the latest trends in these areas at the workshop. If you’re working on #HPC programming models, performance modeling, storage or interconnect system software, large-scale scheduling or task coordination, consider submitting to the P2S2 2018 workshop!”
Python and HPC
“In the HPC domain, Python can be used to develop a wide range of applications. While tight loops may still need to be coded in C or FORTRAN, Python can still be used. As more systems become available with coprocessors or accelerators, Python can be used to offload the main CPU and take advantage of the coprocessor. pyMIC is a Python Offload Module for the Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor and is available at popular open source code repositories.”
Video: Superscalar Programming Models – Making Applications Platform Agnostic
Dr. Rosa Badia from BSC/CNS presented this Invited Talk at SC15. “StarSs (Star superscalar) is a task-based family of programming models that is based on the idea of writing sequential code which is executed in parallel at run-time taking into account the data dependencies between tasks. The talk will describe the evolution of this programming model and the different challenges that have been addressed in order to consider different underlying platforms from heterogeneous platforms used in HPC to distributed environments, such as federated clouds and mobile systems.”