“Although the use of GPUs has generalized nowadays, including GPUs in current HPC clusters presents several drawbacks mainly related with increased costs. In this talk we present how the use of remote GPU virtualization may overcome these drawbacks while noticeably increasing the overall cluster throughput. The talk presents real throughput measurements by making use of the rCUDA remote GPU virtualization middleware.”
Video: Increasing Cluster Throughput while Reducing Energy Consumption for GPU Workloads
“The use of GPUs to accelerate applications is mainstream nowadays, but their adoption in cur- rent clusters presents several drawbacks. In this talk we present the last developments of the rCUDA remote GPU virtualization framework, which is the only one supporting the most recent CUDA version, in addition to leverage the InfiniBand fabric for the sake of performance.”
Increasing the Throughput of your GPU-enabled Cluster with rCUDA
“Although the use of GPUs has generalized nowadays, including GPUs in current HPC clusters presents several drawbacks mainly related with increased costs. In this talk we present how the use of remote GPU virtualization may overcome these drawbacks while noticeably increasing the overall cluster throughput. The talk presents real throughput measurements by making use of the rCUDA remote GPU virtualization middleware.”