AVK and Rolls-Royce Report Green-Powered Data Center Generator Sales

London, 5th December 2024 — AVK,  a UK supplier of power solutions for data centers in Europe, and the business division Power Systems of Rolls-Royce have announced a record-breaking year of sales for hydrotreated vegetable oil (HVO)-powered generators for data centers. HVO is a carbon-neutral biofuel made by the hydrocracking or hydrogenation of vegetable oil. […]

Hyperion Research Announces Winners of 2022 HPC Innovation Excellence Awards

ST PAUL, Minn., November 29, 2022 — HPC industry analyst firm Hyperion Research today announced the recipients of the 17th round of HPC Innovation Excellence Awards. The winners are: — For HPC-driven design of innovative functional materials for catalysis, energy conversion, and storage: Institute for Chemical Reaction Design and Discovery (WPI-ICReDD), Hokkaido University (contact: Andrey […]

Rolls-Royce and Classiq Collaborate on Quantum Algorithm for Computational Fluid Dynamics

TEL-AVIV – Oct. 18 – Quantum software company Classiq today announced it is working with Rolls-Royce to implement novel computational fluid dynamics algorithm dealing with heavy, complex numerical simulations of fluid and gas phenomena. The quantum HHL algorithm, which solves a linear set of equations, can be utilized in a hybrid classical/quantum computer implementation of […]

Video: Large scale industrial simulations using HPC at Rolls-Royce

Leigh Lapworth from Rolls-Royce gave this talk at m Computing Systems Week Edinburgh 2019. “Simulation and modeling, enabled by high performance computing, have transformed the way Rolls-Royce designs and engineers its products. Every advance in computing power unlocks the power to do more with simulation and modeling whether this is larger models to give higher fidelity; or, higher throughput of models to explore a larger part of the design space.”

Zenotech launches Aerospace Cloud Services

Zenotech is launching a new two-year project, Aerospace Cloud Services, to provide technology to enable the UK aerospace sector to add competitiveness to simulation-based design by accessing cloud HPC cost-effectively and securely. “Aerospace Cloud Services will use Zenotech’s HPC product, EPIC, as its delivery framework, extending it to include specific requirements from the aerospace companies involved. Available online, EPIC has been successfully used commercially for five years and provides secure access to a large volume of HPC resources including cloud and specialist HPC.”

An Update on ARM in HPC

Brent Gorda from Arm gave this talk at the Linaro Connect conference. “Arm-based systems are showing up in the HPC community and new silicon is coming. The architecture has also been selected for several of the exascale projects worldwide. Brent will talk about the aspects of Arm that are attractive to the HPC community, updates on projects and what we as a community can do to help accelerate adoption in this space.”

Rolls-Royce Joins JISC Industrial Supercomputing Initiative

Today JISC in the U.K. announced that Rolls-Royce is the first company to join its industrial supercomputing initiative. Designed to break down barriers between industry and academia, JISC will provide Rolls-Royce with easy access to supercomputing equipment at the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) HPC Midlands.