In this video from the HPC User Forum, Bob Sorensen from Hyperion Research moderates a panel discussion on Disruptive Technologies for HPC. “A disruptive innovation is an innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market leading firms, products and alliances. The term was defined and phenomenon analyzed by Clayton M. Christensen beginning in 1995.”
Video: HPC Disruptive Technologies Panel
In this video from the 2016 HPC User Forum in Austin, a select panel of HPC vendors describe their disruptive technologies for high performance computing. Vendors include: Altair, SUSE, ARM, AMD, Ryft, Red Hat, Cray, and Hewlett Packard Enterprise. “A disruptive innovation is an innovation that creates a new market and value network and eventually disrupts an existing market and value network, displacing established market leading firms, products and alliances.”
Ryft: Bringing High Performance Analytics to Every Enterprise
Pat McGarry from Ryft presented this talk at the HPC User Forum in Tucson. “Years in the making, the Ryft ONE combines two proven innovations in hardware and software to optimize compute, storage and I/O performance: the Ryft Hybrid FPGA/x86 Compute Platform, which leverages a massively parallel bitwise computing architecture and the Ryft Algorithmic Primitives (RAP) Library.
Job of the Week: Director of Sales at Ryft
Ryft in San Francisco is seeking a Director of Sales in our Job of the Week.
The High Performance Data Analytics Market
As data analytics becomes more mission critical, hardware and software need to evolve to handle both historical data (batch) and real time streaming data. This combined ability to manage different types of data is critical for a wide range of organizations.