Rich Graham presented this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. “Exascale levels of computing pose many system- and application- level computational challenges. Mellanox Technologies, Inc. as a provider of end-to-end communication services is progressing the foundation of the InfiniBand architecture to meet the exascale challenges. This presentation will focus on recent technology improvements which significantly improve InfiniBand’s scalability, performance, and ease of use.”
Mellanox 10/40 Gig Ethernet Switches Approved for DoD Networks
Today Mellanox announced the Defense Information Systems Agency (DISA) has approved the Mellanox SwitchX series of 10/40 Gigabit Ethernet switches for use on U.S. Department of Defense (DoD) networks. This move comes as a direct result of the DISA awarding Mellanox Federal Systems the Unified Capabilities Approved Product List (UC APL) certification for the Mellanox SwitchX series of Ethernet switches.