Today Sylabs announced the release of SingularityPRO 3.1 in what the company is calling a watershed moment for enterprise customers everywhere. “SingularityPRO 3.1 is the most highly anticipated release of our enterprise software ever,” said Gregory Kurtzer, founder and CEO of Sylabs. “With this release, we’re rapidly advancing container science, making it a truly opportune time for those seeking to containerize the most demanding enterprise performance computing workloads in the most trusted way.”
SingularityPRO comes to Google Cloud
Today Sylabs announced a multi-phase collaboration with Google Cloud as a technology partner. Aimed at systematically addressing enterprise requirements in a cloud-native fashion, the first phase of the collaboration will be based upon availability of Sylabs’ SingularityPRO via the Google Cloud Platform Marketplace. “Singularity is a widely adopted container runtime that implements a unique security model to mitigate privilege escalation risks, and provides a platform to capture a complete application environment into a single file.”
SDSC and Sylabs Gather for Singularity User Group
The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) at UC San Diego, and recently hosted the first-ever Singularity User Group meeting, attracting users and developers from around the nation and beyond who wanted to learn more about the latest developments in an open source project known as Singularity. Now in use on SDSC’s Comet supercomputer, Singularity has quickly become an essential tool in improving the productivity of researchers by simplifying the development and portability challenges of working with complex scientific software.
Agenda Posted for Dell EMC Community Event in Austin
The Dell EMC Community Meeting has published their preliminary speaker agenda. The event takes place March 25-27 in Austin, Texas. The Dell HPC Community is a worldwide technical forum that facilitates the exchange of ideas among researchers, computer scientists, executives, developers, and engineers and promotes the advancement of innovative, powerful HPC solutions. The vision of the […]
Singularity 3.1.0 brings in Full OCI Compliance
Today Sylabs announced that Singularity 3.1.0 is now generally available. With this release, Singularity is fully compliant with standards established by the Open Containers Initiative (OCI), and benefits from enhanced management of cached images. Open source based Singularity continues to systematically incorporate code-level changes specific to the Darwin operating environment, as it progresses towards support for macOS platforms. These, and […]
Singularity: Container Workflows for Compute
Greg Kurtzer from Sylabs gave this talk at the Stanford HPC Conference. “Singularity is a widely adopted container technology specifically designed for compute-based workflows making application and environment reproducibility, portability and security a reality for HPC and AI researchers and resources. Here we will describe a high-level overview of Singularity and demonstrate how to integrate Singularity containers into existing application and resource workflows as well as describe some new trending models that we have been seeing.”
The Inaugural Singularity User Group Meeting: Registration Open Now
The San Diego Supercomputer Center (SDSC) and Sylabs have teamed up to bring the Community its first ever meeting of the Singularity User Group (SUG). Singularity has become what it is today through the engagement of users, developers, and providers that have collectively developed a sense of community around the software and its ecosystem. Read on as Ian Lumb, Technical Writer at Sylabs, shares the origins of the new annual Singularity User Group Meeting.
Sylabs Tunes Singularity 3.0 Containers for Machine Learning
Today Sylabs announced that it has released a new version of its innovative container software: Singularity 3.0. With new enterprise-class features, Singularity is now the premier container runtime solution, enabling your company to seamlessly and efficiently tackle today’s most demanding AI, machine learning, and advanced analytic workloads. “Lenovo and Sylabs have collaborated for over two years around a shared vision of producing lightweight HPC containers that are flexible, secure, and reproducible, while also delivering performance that is equal to native OS performance.”
Univa Announces Collaboration with Sylabs for HPC Containers
Today Univa announced a partnership with Sylabs to offer enhanced support and integration for Sylabs’ Singularity container platform in Univa Grid Engine and other Univa products. “Customers are rapidly embracing containers for high-performance workloads and Singularity offers clear advantages,” said Gary Tyreman, CEO of Univa. “We’re delighted to be collaborating with Sylabs to make container technology easier to use and deploy. By improving interoperability between Univa products and Singularity, we can make it easier for customers to reap the benefits associated with container technology.”
Sylabs Launches Global Partner Program for HPC Containers
Today HPC startup Sylabs announced the launch of a new program for partners. The Sylabs Partner Program offers IT providers a licensing platform that they can use to deliver the commercially supported container platform SingularityPRO through their own sales channels. This includes access to signed package repositories, backported bug and security fixes, and a portfolio of services designed for the container ecosystem. In addition, the Sylabs Partner Program will provide support, training, certifications, and architectural practices to fit the specific needs of the partner and their customers.