In this TACC Podcast, Dan Stanzione and Doug James from the Texas Advanced Computing Center discuss the thorny issue of reproducibility in HPC. “Computational reproducibility is a subset of the broader and even harder topic of scientific reproducibility,” said Dan Stanzione, TACC’s executive director. “If we can’t get the exact same answer bit-for-bit, then what’s close enough? What’s a scientifically valid way to represent that? That’s what we’re after.”
Podcast: TACC Powers Deep Earth Imaging
“In this TACC Podcast, Ross Maguire and Jeroen Ritsema of the University of Michigan describe how supercomputer simulations of volcanos show how mantle plumes form and how they rise from Earth’s mantle. What’s more, the researchers say their work could guide future experiments with seismic imaging and help get to the bottom of mysteries like the origin of Hawaii’s volcanos.”