In this video from the Transtec booth at ISC 2016, Piotr Wachowicz from Bright Computing shows how the company’s cluster management software enables customers to configure and monitor OpenStack systems. “Bright Cluster Manager provides a unified enterprise-grade solution for provisioning, scheduling, monitoring and management of HPC and Big Data systems in your data center and in the cloud. Our dynamic cloud provisioning optimizes cloud utilization by automatically creating servers when they’re needed and releasing them when they’re not. Bright OpenStack provides a complete cloud solution that is easy to deploy and manage.”
Video: Transtec Delivers BeeGFS for HPC
In this video from the Transtec booth at ISC 2016, Sven Breuner from ThinkParQ describes how the BeeGFS parallel file system delivers performance, reliability, and flexibility to their HPC solutions. Transtec builds HPC solutions from a host of technologies including BeeGFS. “BeeGFS (formerly FhGFS) is the leading parallel cluster file system, developed with a strong focus on performance and designed for veryeasy installation and management. If I/O intensive workloads are your problem, BeeGFS is the solution.”
Transtec to Build Petaflop Cluster for KIT in Germany
Today transtec in the UK announced that it will build a 1 Petaflop supercomputer for the Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT). With more than 1,100 compute nodes, the solution is worth 6.9 million Euro and is the largest deal in the company’s history.
Numascale Powers Big Data Analytics with Transtec
“At ISC 2015, Numascale announced record-breaking results from a shared memory system running the McCalpin STREAM Benchmark, a synthetic benchmark program that measures sustainable memory bandwidth and the corresponding computation rate for simple vector kernels. Numascale’s cache coherent shared memory system, which was targeted for big data analytics, reached 10.06 TBytes/second for the Scale function.”
Transtec Powers Remote Visualization at ISC 2015
In this video from ISC 2015, Oliver Tennert from Transtec describes how the company’s Remote Visualization solutions are empowering customers with flexibility for their computing workloads. “We have a lot of customers from the scientific as well as financial or telecommunications areas, where analyzing huge amounts of data in the shortest period of time possible is a critical factor of success.”
Video: Numascale Big Memory Solutions from Transtec
In this video from ISC’14, Einar Rustad from Numascale describes the company’s innovative solution for combining multiple servers into an aggregated compute resource with extremely large memory capacity. As an HPC solution provider, Transtec delivers innovative technologies like this to customers seeking supported solutions.