The UK government announced it will invest £106 million for five hubs to develop the use of quantum technology in medical scanners, secure communication networks and next-gen positioning systems. The hubs, which will work with industry partners ….
The UK government announced it will invest £106 million for five hubs to develop the use of quantum technology in medical scanners, secure communication networks and next-gen positioning systems. The hubs, which will work with industry partners ….
[Sponsored Guest Article] The technology alliance between Lenovo and NVIDIA is one whose total is greater than the sum of its parts. NVIDIA processors are changing the world and Lenovo servers are the platforms in which world-changing compute is happening….
In this eBook, sponsored by Rescale, Microsoft Azure and AMD, we take a look at HPC deployments in support of R&D efforts. In many ways, the HPC solution in the cloud offered by Rescale on Azure delivers an unprecedented amount of power while solving for many crucial and common challenges faced by R&D and design teams across many industries.