In this video from the DDN User Group at SC17, Dr. Peter Clapham from Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute presents: Experiences in providing secure multi-tenant Lustre access to OpenStack. “If you need 10,000 cores to perform an extra layer of analysis in an hour, you have to scale a significant cluster to get answers quickly. You need a real solution that can address everything from very small to extremely large data sets.”
Will the Cloud Change Scientific Computing?
“What is important to researchers is ‘time to science,’ not the length of time a job takes to compute. ‘If you can wait in line at a national supercomputing center and it takes five days in the queue for your job to run, and then you get 50,000 cores and your job runs in a few hours, that’s great. But what if you could get those 50,000 cores right now, no waiting, and your job takes longer to run but it would still finish before your other job would start on the big iron machine.”