Vortex Bladeless presented the company’s design for a new wind energy technology. One of the key characteristics of this system is the reduction of mechanical elements that can be worn by friction. The company developed the technology using CFD tools provided by Altair, which helped the company study both the fluid-structure interaction and the behaviour of the magnetic fields in the alternator.
Job of the Week: Wind Energy Research Engineer at NREL
“The National Renewable Energy Laboratory(NREL), located at the foothills of the Rocky Mountains in Golden, Colorado, is the nation’s primary laboratory for research and development of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. NREL is continuing an active research and development program for modeling of wind farm interactions and mesoscale dynamics within the National Wind Technology Center. This R&D program has an opening for one full-time engineer in wind farm modeling and mesoscale research.”
NREL to Lead for Wind Power Research for Exascale Computing Project
“This project will make a substantial contribution to advancing wind energy,” said Steve Hammond, NREL’s Director of Computational Science and the principal investigator on the project. “It will advance our fundamental understanding of the complex flow physics of whole wind plants, which will help further reduce the cost of electricity derived from wind energy.”