Welcome to the 2017 HPC User Forum in Milwaukee
Day 1
HPC Market Update: Earl Joseph and Steve Conway (Hyperion Research) Video * Slides
- Forecasts For HPC-based Machine Learning, Deep Learning, AI
- New Storage Market Tracking – HPC Storage Forecasts
Europe’s HPC Strategy: Leonardo Flores (European Commission) Slides * Video
Summary of Tracking Exascale Programs, Earl Joseph and Bob Sorensen (Hyperion Research) Slides * Video
Technologies for Making Self-Driving Vehicles the Norm, Maarten Sierhuis (Nissan Research Center Silicon Valley) Video
Study Findings: A Mapping of the Opportunities for Government, Academia, and Industry Engagement in HPC, Mark Sims (DoD) Slides * Video
Findings: Worldwide Study of Best Practices in Partnerships between HPC centers and Industrial Users, Bill Kramer (NCSA) Video
HPC for Manufacturing, Lori Diachin, HPC4mfg (LLNL) Slides * Video
Intel’s Point of View on Digital Transformation in Manufacturing, Mary Bunzel and Mark Strassemaier from Intel, Slides * Video
Direct Solver for Multiphysics Modeling on Petascale Architecture, Seid Koric (NCSA) Video
Final Report: Faster Turnaround for Multiscale Models of Paper Fiber Products, William Elmer, LLNL, Video
Will HPC Move to the Cloud? Gabriel Broner (Rescale) Slides * Video
The DOE Exascale Computing Project: Doug Kothe (ORNL) Video
High Pressure Casting for Structural Requirements and the Implications on Simulation, Hal Gerber (Shiloh Industries) Slides * Video
Day 2
Toward a Leadership-Class Computer Facility, Ed Walker (NSF) Slides * Video
Disruptive Technologies Panel: Video
Moderator: Rupak Biswas (NASA- Ames) Panelists: NVIDIA, Rigetti, Posit Computing, Mellanox, and Altair
HPE Vendor Technology Update, Vineeth Ram, Hewlett Packard Enterprise, Slides * Video
HPC Challenges in Simulating the World’s Most Powerful Tornados, Leigh Orf (University of Wisconsin at Madison) Video
Container-based Computing at NASA-Ames, Rupak Biswas (NASA-Ames), Video
Dell-EMC Technology Update, Ed Turkel, Dell, Slides * Video
Charliecloud, Reid Priedhorsky, Video
R-Systems Update – Brian Kucic, R-Systems, Slides * Video
Research in Deep Learning: A Perspective from NSF: Weng-keen Wong (National Science Foundation), Slides * Video not available
Machine & Deep Learning: Practical Deployments and Best Practices for the Next Two Years, Arno Kolster (Providentia Worldwide), Slides * Video
The National Science & Technology Council ML/AI Initiative, Michael Garris (NIST) Slides * Video
Perspective on HPC-enabled AI, Tim Barr (Cray) Slides * Video
NASA Perspective on Deep Learning, Nikunj Oza (NASA Ames) Networking Break Session: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Early AI, Slides * Video
Characterization and Benchmarking of Deep Learning, Natalia Vassilieva (HP Labs) Slides * Video
AI Breakthroughs and Initiatives at the Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center, Nick Nystrom and Paola Buitrago (Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center) Slides * Video
In Pursuit of Sustainable Healthcare through Personalized Medicine with HPC, Graham Anthony (BioVista) Video