Welcome to the Video Gallery for the Intel HPC Developer Conference at SC15
- Profiling at Scale, James Tullos, Intel
- Vectorization Advisor in Action for “Computer-Aided Formulation”, Kevin O’Leary, Intel
- Rendering in Ensight with OpenSWR, Sean Ahern, CEI
- Visualizing Biomolecular Complexes on x86 and KNL Platforms: Integrating VMD and OSPRay, John Stone, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- OpenMP and the Intel Compiler, Kent Millfield, TACC
- SDVis Overview, and OpenSWR: A Scalable High Performance Software Rasterizer for SCIVIS, Jim Jeffers, Intel
- Use-Cases and Methods for Scalable Enterprise HPC in the Cloud, David Pellerin, HPC Business Development Principal, Amazon Web
- Scientific Insights and Discoveries through Scalable High Performance Computing at LRZ, Prof. Dieter Kranzlmüller, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
- A Brief Introduction to OpenFabrics (libfabric), Sean Hefty, Intel
- Diving into Intel’s HPC Scalable System Framework Plans, Brock Taylor, Intel
- Working Together on Frameworks for HPC Systems with OpenHPC, Karl Schultz, Intel
- Using OpenStack to Manage a Data Analytics HPC Cluster, Ray Scott and Robert Budden, Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center
- Job Launching – Keeping Pace with Expanding Complexities, Bill Nitzberg, Altair
- Intel Black Belt Discussion on HPC Code Modernization, James Reinders, Intel
- Building A Real-Time, Closed Loop fMRI Data Analysis System for Neuroscience Experiments, Prof. Kai Li, Princeton University
- The SeqAn C++ Library for Efficient NGS Sequence Analysis, Dr. Knut Reinert, Freie Universität Berlin
- Designing Parallel Financial Analytics Libraries Using a Pattern Oriented Approach, Prof. Matthew Dixon, Illinois Institute of Technology
- High Performance Clustering for Trillion Particle Simulations, Prabhat, UC Berkeley
- Effective Parallel Optimizations with Intel Fortran, (No Slides) Ken Craft, Intel and Florian Wende, ZIB
- High Performance Python Offloading to the Intel Xeon Phi Coprocessor, (No Slides) Michael Klemm, Intel
- OSPRay: A Scalable High Performance Raytracing Engine for SciVis, (No Slides) Jefferson Amstutz, Intel