Welcome to the Santa Fe HPC User Forum
- Update on The Exascale Computing Project (ECP), Paul Messina, Exascale Computing Project, Video * Slides
- Worldwide best practices in partnerships between HPC Centers and Industrial Users, Irene Qualters, NSF, Slides, Video
- Partnership Between HPC Centers & Industry – Preliminary Findings, Bill Kramer, NCSA, and Steve Conway, Hyperon, Slides, Video
- Disruptive Technologies Session. Moderator, Bob Sorenson, Hyperion Research, Full Session Video, Slides
- HPC Technology Trends, Eng Lim Goh, HP Enterprise, Video
- Advances in Combustion Research With Big Data, Pete Bradley, Pratt & Whitney, Video
- HPE Update: Bill Mannel, HP Enterprise, Video * Slides
- Emerging Opportunities in HPC Cloud & Collocation Services, Joseph Lombardo, Executive Director, University of Nevada, Las Vegas, Video * Slides
- Industrial Engagement Highlights at the San Diego Supercomputer Center, Ron Hawkins, Video
- Industrial Applications of in situ Post-Processing to Enable HPC-Scale CFD, Steve Legensky, Intelligent Light, Video
- ROI with HPC Results: Earl Joseph, Video
- Coupled Monte Carlo Neutronics and Fluid Flow Simulation of Small Modular Reactors, Thom Evans, ORNL, Video
- The Molecular Sciences Software Institute, Daniel Crawford, Virginia Tech, Video
- Deploying a Software Ecosystem for Science & Engineering Applications at a Regional HPC Center, Karen Tomko, OSC, Video * Slides
- From CFT to Gen-Z to HAL: Reflections and Predictions of HPC Software Stacks, Sunny Sundstrom, HP Enterprise, Video * Slides
- Leveraging HPC for the Real-Time Quantitative MRI, Joe Allen, TACC, Video