Cloud computing is a pervasive technological trend that has penetrated nearly every commercial and government market over the past several years. The cloud computing paradigm treats IT services as a commodity, focusing on providing ubiquitous access to shared computational and storage resources, and leveraging economies of scale to achieve lower variable costs. Generally speaking, cloud computing provides organizations with on-demand access to a nearly infinite amount of highly available IT services and infrastructure, promising less IT overhead, unlimited scale, and on-demand pricing. According to the RightScale 2015 State of the Cloud Report1, 88 percent of enterprises are putting workloads in public cloud infrastructure, while 63 percent are leveraging private clouds.
However, these percentages can be misleading as they simply highlight widespread interest in cloud rather than true adoption across critical business applications. In fact, similar studies have found that the vast majority of enterprises are running less than 20 percent of their workloads in the cloud despite the fact that an additional 20 percent of their workloads are reportedly considered suitable for cloud architectures. It is clear that despite popularity of “Cloud First” strategies, organizations are continuing to proceed to the cloud cautiously. With limited resources and internal expertise to dedicate to cloud migration, regardless of whether the focus is on public or private cloud, organizations are testing the waters and managing risk
by deploying only their lowest value assets into the cloud. This risk avoidance, while intended to preserve the functionality of existing critical capabilities, is actually to the detriment of these capabilities, as it fails to expose them to the rich, on-demand capabilities of cloud infrastructures. Today though, a deployment paradigm known as cloud bursting has emerged as a means to enable organizations to leverage the inherent scale and on demand capabilities of commercial cloud infrastructure in concert with their existing, proven on premise capabilities. Cloud bursting allows organizations to seamlessly partition workloads across on premise and public cloud infrastructures in order to handle excess workloads and “bursty” requirements, while only paying for the additional resources when they are needed. Adopting such a paradigm allows organizations to minimize the potential risks of cloud adoption by enabling strategic migration of clustered workloads, such as high performance computing workloads.
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