HPC Cloud with IBM Platform Computing

White Papers > Cloud > HPC Cloud with IBM Platform Computing
HPC Cloud

The IBM® Platform ComputingTM(ii) portfolio has been driving the evolution of distributed computing and the HPC Cloud for over 20 years. Ground-breaking products such as IBM® PlatformTM LSF® were among the first to enable companies to manage distributed environments from modest clusters to massive compute farms with tens of thousands of processors handling thousands of jobs. Most recently the introduction of IBM® PlatformTM Dynamic Cluster, together with IBM® PlatformTM Cluster Manager - Advanced Edition, permits turning LSF environments into a dynamic HPC cloud.

At the heart of all shared technical computing is robust middleware that is positioned between the collection of applications and the diverse IT resources, to handle workload scheduling and resource orchestration. IBM Platform Computing products fulfill this critical role, providing powerful solutions for batch-mode computing, service-oriented architectures (SOA), and innovative MapReduce approaches now being widely adopted in life science.

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