In Memory Data Grids

White Papers > Data Center > In Memory Data Grids

Re-imagining ultimate performance with in memory data grids Computing. With the cost of system memory dropping 30% every 12 months, in-memory computing has become the first choice for a variety of workloads across all industries. In-memory computing can provide a lower TCO for data processing systems while providing an unparalleled performance advantage. In-memory computing technologies take many forms, ranging from in-memory data caches on a single server to in-memory databases (IMDBs), inmemory data grids (IMDGs), and comprehensive in-memory computing platforms (IMCPs). High performance inmemory computing technologies can even allow real-time analytics to run on operational datasets, enabling the implementation of hybrid transactional/analytical processing (HTAP) systems that can provide significant cost and complexity savings.

This white paper provides an overview of in-memory computing technology with a focus on in-memory data grids. It discusses the advantages and uses of in-memory data grids. Download this guide to learn more about in memory data grids.

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