insideHPC Research Report – GPU Accelerators

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In this GPU research report, we reveal recent research showing that customers are feeling the need for speed—i.e. they’re looking for more processing cores. Not surprisingly, we found that they’re investing more money in accelerators like GPUs and moreover are seeing solid positive results from using GPUs. Inthis report, we take a look at the newest GPU tech from NVIDIA and how it performs vs. traditional servers and earlier GPU products.

In the "2016 insideHPC HPC and Large Enterprise Purchasing Sentiment” survey, we asked 175 HPC and large enterprise data center folks to tell us how they’re using technology, what new technologies they’re looking at, and how they expect to spend their budget dollars over the next 18 months. Some of what they said was surprising, like the fact that most expected their 2017 spending to rise by 8-11%.  We also found that they were going to significantly increase their spending when it comes to new systems, compute accelerators, and high performance system interconnects.

When questioned more closely, the biggest need for these customers is for more compute power. In fact, as the graph in this report shows, more than 60% of our respondents say that lack of processing cores is either a significant or large constraint. This is understandable when you consider how the compute challenges in both HPC and large enterprise IT shops have mounted over the last few years.

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