Sun's First German Constellation

sunSun has announced that it has been awarded its first contract for the installation of an HPC system for commercial applications in Germany.  The Center for Computer Applications in Aerospace and Engineering [CASE] will take delivery of the new Sun Constellation system.  The center is supported by Airbus, the German Aerospace Center [DLR] and the state of Lower Saxony.  The proprietors of the new machine are investing an estimated EUR 5.2 million for 46.6 TFlops.

With the support of its partner T-Systems, DLR searched for a platform that could perform complex numerical flow simulations necessary for the C²A²S²E project. Christian Schweitzer, Head of T-Systems Service Center Nord, explained the process: “We created a list of specifications and issued them to three well-known suppliers. The key requirements included the highest possible number of processors and an efficient technological update after three years. Sun impressed DLR in both areas.”

The new machine will be comprised of 768 Sun Blade 6220 servers for a grand total of 6144 cores.  The silicon will be stamped “AMD Opteron 2347 Quadcore”, just in case you’re interested.

For more info on the new machine, read the full release here.