…and they didn’t ask for fries and a shake. Fujitsu has announced that they recently received an order from Japan’s Institute of Physical and Chemical Research, known as Riken, for a new machine. The new box will peak out at 108Tflops, or nine times the current performance on the floor at Riken.
For the new system, we took the design concept of the existing one, expanded and upgraded it to handle the predicted increase in demand from life sciences research as well as an increase in data from high-energy physics experiments. I am counting on the high reliability of Fujitsu’s hardware and software and the continuing support of Fujitsu’s staff. We look forward to contributing to further progress in science and technology and the development of human resources through this information infrastructure center”, said Ryutaro Himeno, Group Director of Research and Development at Riken.
The new machine will consist of 1,024 of the latest Fujitsu PRIMERGY compute nodes [2,048 sockets/8,192 cores]. No word on what interconnect was spec’d with the system.
For more info, read the full release here at HPCWire.