PSC Scores an HP Cluster

Pittsburgh Supercomputing Center [PSC] has announced that they have made arrangements with HP to install and make available a new cluster.  The 64-core HP c3000, named Warhol, will be dedicated to serving academic, private and government researchers in the state of Pennsylvania.

At PSC we have collaborated with Hewlett-Packard for many years,” said J. Ray Scott, PSC director of systems and operations, “in development of innovative software and hardware to support scientific research. In making this new system available to PSC, they acknowledge this mutually productive partnership.”

Warhol features eight dual socket, quad-core nodes with Intel Xeon E5440 silicon.  Each node has 8GB [1GB per core] for a system total of 64GB.  The machine is tied together with an Infiniband interconnect.

For more info, read the full release here or check out the offical PSC spec page here.