University of Frankfurt Goes with Bright Cluster Manager

Bright Computing announced this morning that the University of Frankfurt has selected their Bright Cluster Manager management stack to support the new machine at the Goethe University’s Hessian high-performance computer organization (HHLR-GU).  The machine, called “LOEWE-CSC”, has 20,784 processor cores plus 772 GPGPU hardware accelerators.  Overall theoretical peak stands around 599 TF [double precision].

This supercomputer represents a new era for high-performance computing at the University of Frankfurt. The LOEWE-CSC supercomputer will allow us to run a large range of scientific applications at an unprecedented scale, but also at a ground-breaking performance-to-power-consumption ratio,” said professor Volker Lindenstruth, Chair of HPC Architecture at the Goethe University. “We are pleased to run Bright Cluster Manager on the LOEWE-CSC system because it has already proven itself on another TOP500-class supercomputer at our university.”

The machine will be built by ClusterVision using the Bright Cluster Manager stack.  At the heart of the cluster will be 386 units of 2U Supermicro GPU-optimised Twin servers with two hot-plug nodes each, 1544 AMD Opteron 12-core “Magny-Cours” CPUs, 772 ATI Radeon GPGPUs, and QDR Mellanox InfiniBand.  Check out their full release here.