Acceleware Announces Partnership with Paradigm

Acceleware today announced that they have entered into a partnership with enterprise oil/gas software firm, Paradigm.  The new hand shaking will spur collaboration on a full-wave reverse time migration [RTM] solution that incorporates Acceleware’s RTM product, AxRTM.  Acceleware will provide the core numerical functionality of Reverse Time Migration as a library that will be integrated into Paradigm’s existing seismic processing and imaging framework. This partnership enables Paradigm customers to run seismic migrations on existing CPU and/or GPU compute platform.

This partnership was established to carry out our ongoing commitment to provide the oil and gas industry with high quality and efficient high performance computing seismic imaging algorithms,” said Duane Dopkin, senior vice president of technology at Paradigm. “Our customers will secure the additional advantage of being able to execute this solution on an industry-leading velocity modelling and seismic processing and imaging platform.”

We are excited to be working with Paradigm to deliver a Reverse Time Migration solution to their customers,” said Ryan Schneider, CTO of Acceleware. “Having already worked on HPC optimization for codes that run within the Paradigm framework, we are confident that customers will welcome the added value being delivered by Acceleware.”

For more technical details around AxRTM, check out its website here.  For more info on the partnership, check out the release here.