White Paper: Exascale Research: Preparing for the Post-Moore Era

This is an important piece co-authored by Marc Snir, William Gropp and Peter Kogge. We know this has appeared in several other places, but we have also come across a number of people who weren’t aware of it, so as a service to our readers, we decided to include this.

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Exascale Research: Preparing for the Post-Moore Era

Marc Snir1, William Gropp2 and Peter Kogge3

Executive Summary

  • Achieving exascale performance at the end of this decade or the beginning
    of next decade is essential for progress in science – including progress on
    problems of major societal impact (such as weather or environmental impact);
    essential for the continued certification of the nuclear stockpile; and essential
    to our national security.
  • The rate of advance in the performance of CMOS technology is slowing down
    and is likely to plateau mid next decade. No alternative technology is ready for
  • Therefore, achieving exascale performance in 20 years may not be significantly
    cheaper than achieving it in 10 years – even if we could afford the wait.
  • It is essential (for continued progress in solving major societal problems,
    nuclear stockpile, security) to have a sustained growth in supercomputer
    performance and sustained advantage over competitors and potential enemies.
  • To achieve this continued growth, we need research on (a) using CMOS more
    efficiently and (b) accelerating the development and deployment of a CMOS

(a) is (or should be) the focus of exascale research: How to get significantly
higher compute efficiencies from a fixed transistor or energy budget. (b) is
essential to explore, even if not for exascale in 10 years, as it will be necessary

1Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, snir@illinois.edu
2Department of Computer Science, University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, wgropp@illinois.edu
3Department of Computer science and Engineering, University of Notre Dame, kogge@cse.nd.edu

The Race to Exascale

As petascale systems begin to be deployed in national labs and academia, the race
has started for the next level of performance: exascale systems. DOE has announced
the goal of an exascale system consuming 20MW in 2018 and has proposed a major
initiative toward this goal; various research projects have been started as part of
this initiative. DARPA has launched the UHPC research program, with the aim of
achieving petascale performance in a single rack system consuming no more than
57KW. We even have a digital “Exascale Report” periodical – clearly showing that
exascale is “hot”.

On the other hand, there also is some skepticism about exascale. Exascale may
be very hard to achieve this decade. DARPA commissioned a study on exascale
computing that was published in 2008 [8]. This study developed a strawman for an
exascale system built from technology forecast to be available in 2015. The system
would consume close to 70MW and would have many drawbacks: in particular, a
small amount of memory (3.6 PB), very limited memory bandwidth (~0.002 Word/
Flop), very limited network bandwidth, and very low MTTI (40 minutes). The
study ignored many practical aspects of a modern architecture: no error detection
or correction in memory, no caches, no virtual memory, etc. A subsequent, more
detailed analysis by Kogge, showed that, when all the details are taken into account,
power consumption is likely to be in the 400+MW range [9]. Therefore, exascale this
decade at reasonable power consumption will require major technology advances,
and may result in a system that is very different than current supercomputing
systems in the balance between the various resources and the execution model
it provides to the users. The research and development costs for producing such
a system and developing the software needed to use it will be very significant –
likely measured in billions of dollars; the yearly maintenance cost (e.g., power and
cooling) could be measured in hundreds of millions.

The Need for Exascale

Faced with such costs and technical challenges, it is reasonable to ask hard
questions: How important it is to stay on the same performance improvement curve
that supercomputing has followed in the last decades? Should we perhaps wait
longer, when this level of performance can be achieved at lower cost?

We believe that the answer to these questions is no, for two main reasons:
(a) The lost opportunity cost of not achieving exascale performance as soon as
technically feasible are very significant; and (2) waiting longer may not help much.

The first point has been documented in a series of reports produced by recent
DOE workshops [1]. Exascale performance is essential for making progress on
a variety of science problems of great societal impact: For example large-scale
simulations play an essential role in the development of alternative energy sources
and for increasing the efficiency of current energy consuming. While global warming
is an irrefutable trend, assessments of how soon and how large the damage caused
by global warming will be still have significant error margins. Both inaction and
inadequate action for mitigating global warming or adapting to it can cost millions
of lives and trillions of dollars. Exascale climate simulations can significantly
reduce the error margins. While not all these applications will require scaling one
simulation to billions of cores, they will all require dedicated exascale systems with
billions of cores for months and years. Thus, it is essential that such systems be
available at an acceptable cost and power consumption.

The need to certify the nuclear stockpile without performing nuclear
experiments has been a main motivator for a rapid increase in DOE’s ability to
perform large-scale simulations. This motivation has not disappeared. As the expert
knowledge of people that designed and tested nuclear weapons disappears, and as
the design of current nuclear weapons increasingly diverges from designs that were
tested, there is an increasing need for more accurate simulations with a broader
range of scenarios and models and for better uncertainty quantification. A reduction
in the size of the nuclear stockpile makes this problem more acute. This mission will
continue to require fast growth in the performance of supercomputers.

Continuing the march toward higher performance is essential for our national
security. In an era where information becomes the main weapon of war, the US
cannot afford to be outcomputed anymore that it can afford to be outgunned.
While the use of supercomputing in national security is, for obvious reasons, less
well documented in the open literature than its use in science and engineering,
it is no secret than national security agencies are major customers of leading
supercomputing systems and will continue to be so in the foreseeable future.

The End of Moore’s Law

The second point has attracted less attention. We have become accustomed to the
relentless improvement in the density of silicon chips, leading to a doubling of the
number of transistors per chip every 18 months, as predicted by “Moore’s Law”. In
the process, we have forgotten “Stein’s Law”: “If something cannot go on forever, it
will stop.” The continued miniaturization of transistors cannot go on forever. The
International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors [11] forecasts a feature size
of 7.5 nm by 2024. Such a size corresponds to about 30 atoms in a silicon crystal.
Clearly, we are approaching the limits of silicon technology. In fact, 7 nm seems to
be the limit of CMOS technology, for a variety of reasons [7].

Classic Dennard scaling, where feature size decreases and chip speed increases
in proportion, with no increase in power density, has ended at 130 nm, a decade
ago [10]. The continuous increase in power density, mostly due to a plateauing
of voltage levels and to increasing leakage current, has stopped the progress
toward faster circuits. Since then, we have needed new “tricks” for each new silicon
generation. ITRS predicts that new materials (e.g., III-V, germanium thin channels,
nanowires, nanotubes or graphene) and new structures (e.g., 3D transistor
structures) will be needed to continue progress in the coming decade. Even with all
these advances, we shall continue increasing the number of transistors per chip, but
will need to run them far slower than their potential in order to avoid melting them.

The supercomputers of 70’es and 80’es, in the heyday of bipolar technology, were
a miracle of packaging and cooling and a pleasure to see. As we moved to CMOS,
packaging became pedestrian and architectures boringly repetitious; however,
this “boring” CMOS evolution gave us more than two decades of improving cost-
performance in a stable software environment. Supercomputers are beginning to
use liquid cooling again. While the technology is impressive and again a pleasure to
see, it also indicates that we are approaching the end of the era of fast CMOS scaling.
To quote the ITRS: “While power consumption is an urgent challenge, its leakage or
static component will become a major industry crisis in the long term, threatening
the survival of CMOS technology itself, just as bipolar technology was threatened
and eventually disposed of decades ago.” The ITRS “long term” is the 2017-2024

While the similarity to the end of the bipolar era is compelling, there is one major
difference: When bipolar technology was coming to its end, Intel had been using
MOFSETs to manufacture microprocessors for almost two decades. Today, we have
no alternative technology in use.

CMOS technology will not be replaced overnight and will continue to be the
foundation for the microelectronics industry for the next couple of decades.
However, each additional technological “trick” will raise manufacturing costs and,
in particular, will raise non-recurring costs. New lithography techniques will be
more expensive: “achieving constant/improved ratio of exposure-related tool cost
to throughput might be an insoluble dilemma” [11]; more materials and more
elaborate transistor structures require more manufacturing steps; a tighter control
of variance is required as feature size shrinks; 3D structures will be more expensive;
and so on. It will become necessary to amortize investments over longer runs,
hence to slow-down the rate of miniaturization. Economics (a shift toward lower
cost devices, slow adoption of multicore technology, etc.) may further slow down
progress. As we get closer to the intrinsic limits of CMOS, the rate of progress is
bound to decelerate near the end of this decade.

Alternative technologies, such as spintronics [2], may eventually renew the
growth in component performance. However, since we are still at the stage of
exploring the basic circuit components, it is very unlikely that any alternative will
be ready by the time CMOS plateaus, Furthermore, when MOSFETs replaced bipolar
components, it was a case of a cheaper but “good enough” technology that replaced
a better but more expensive technology [3]. Spintronics, or other alternative
technologies, may not offer any cost savings as compared to CMOS. This would
lead to a bifurcation where much of the mass market continues, for the foreseeable
future, to use CMOS, with exotic and more expensive technologies used to satisfy
higher performance requirements. We already see this happening: Rapid Single-
Flux Quantum (RSFQ) Logic has been studied over the last five decades in academia
and industrial labs; it has had limited use in products for over two decades [5].
While this technology can offer two orders of magnitude increase in logic circuit
speed, and five orders of magnitude decrease in logic power consumption, it is
highly unlikely to replace CMOS in mass products in the foreseeable future – as it
requires cryogenic cooling and is incomplete in that there is no matching memory

What’s Needed

We can react in three ways to this deceleration in intrinsic technology growth:

  1. Accept that the performance of supercomputers will plateau mid next
  2. Push the performance of CMOS-based supercomputers faster than the rate
    of increase in CMOS performance.
  3. Accelerate the rate of introduction of alternative technologies.

We believe that the first alternative is not acceptable – for the reasons previously
discussed. As CMOS technology will plateau, deciding against building an exascale
computer late this decade or early next decade may be tantamount to deciding that
exascale performance will not be reached for several decades.

Historically, the peak performance of supercomputers has progressed faster than
the progress in CMOS performance (physical gate lengths – and thus approximately
capacitance and delay – have decreased at a CAGR of 1/1.08, while Rpeak has grown
by a CAGR of 1.8), and the cost of the top supercomputers has increased over the
years. We have paid this price because of the great societal value of improved
simulation capabilities, the importance of increased compute power for nuclear
stockpile certification, and for security needs. An exascale supercomputer will be
a scientific instrument of no less importance than a leading telescope or particle
accelerator – and still cheaper than these. As long as nuclear weapons are still
around, we shall need to ensure they are functioning – hence will need exascale
performance. Finally, keeping ahead of the curve in supercomputer performance is
essential for our national security. But if the curve is flat, there is little advantage in
being ahead.

As we expect a hiatus between current, CMOS-based systems and systems
using new device technologies, it is essential to pursue both the second and third
alternative: Get more out of CMOS and prepare for post-CMOS.

We could, conceivably, push supercomputing performance by brute force: Build
systems that consume 500MW or 1 GW and require machine rooms (or machine
fields) the size of tens of football fields. Even if the cost of such an approach is
acceptable, it is not clear that brute force can lead us to exascale: large physical size
is an impediment to scalability and a source of frequent failures (failure rates today
for Blue Gene systems have been reported on the order of 0.001 failures per year
per socket, and projecting forward to a million sockets yields socket failure rates
of minutes). Furthermore, with such an approach, the US will forfeit any advantage
over competitors and possible enemies that are capable and willing to outspend us.

The alternative must be a smarter use of CMOS circuitry. The main constraint
on large system performance is energy consumption. The main source of energy
consumption in a large system is communication: on-chip communication to caches,
off-chip communication to memory and inter-node communication. In the follow-
on study of Linpack on a 2018 processor as outlined in the Exascale report, the
amortized memory access energy per flop was 475pJ, versus an FPU that took
only 10pJ; the bulk of this energy was in maintaining the cache hierarchy and in
communicating off-chip and off-board to other memories. To improve performance,
we need circuits and communication protocols that consume less power, and denser
packages that reduce physical distances. Some of the required technology (e.g., low
power circuits) has broad applicability and industry is likely to invest sufficiently
to drive its fast progress. Other technologies (e.g., advanced cooling for very dense
packaging) may have a much more limited market and will require government
funding of industry-research partnerships.

Most importantly, we need to reduce the amount of communication used by
computations. One can expect improved algorithms to be the major source of
communication reduction. There has been so far little work on communication-
efficient algorithms (see [4,6], for recent exceptions): Reducing communication
is often seen as a tuning issue, to be handled when the algorithm is coded, but not
part of the algorithm design. This must change. We need to better understand the
inherent communication requirements of various computations and trade-offs
between computation and communication in time (storing to and loading from
memory) and in space (communication across cores and nodes). Languages must
enable locality control; compilers, runtimes and architecture must reduce the gap
between the minimum amount of energy needed to move a chunk of data and the
actual amount of energy spent by current memory and communication systems to
move such a chunk.

In addition to this “CMOS acceleration” work, we need to prepare as soon as
possible for the post-CMOS era. A first step should be an inventory of new device
technologies that might be deployed in 10-15 years from now and an analysis of
gaps and roadblocks to their deployment. We need to identify where commodity
technologies are most likely to diverge from the technologies needed to continue the
fast progress in the performance of high-end platforms; and we need government
funding in order to accelerate the research and development of those technologies
that are essential for high-end computing but are unlikely to have broad markets.



1. ASCR Program Documents, http://science.energy.gov/ascr/news-and-resources/program-documents/

2. David D. Awschalom, Michael E. Flatté and Nitin Samarth. Spintronics. Scientific
American, May 13 2002.

3. Clayton M. Christensen. The Innovator’s Dilemma. HarperCollins, 2000.

4. Demmel, J., Grigori, L., Hoemmen, M. and Langou, J. Communication-
optimal parallel and sequential QR and LU factorizations, Arxiv preprint
arXiv:0808.2664, 2008

5. Dorojevets, M., Current Status and Recent Developments in RSFQ Processor
Design. In Serge Luryi, Jimmy Xu, Alex Zaslavsky (eds.) Future Trends in
Microelectronics: From Nanophotonics to Sensors and Energy, pp 229-239,
Wiley, 2010.

6. Grigori, L., Demmel, J.W. and Xiang, H., Communication avoiding Gaussian
elimination, Proceedings of the 2008 ACM/IEEE conference on Supercomputing,

7. Haensch W.; Nowak, E. J.; Dennard, R. H.; Solomon, P. M.; Bryant, A.;
Dokumaci, O. H.; Kumar, A.; Wang, X.; Johnson, J. B.; Fischetti, M. V.; Silicon
CMOS devices beyond scaling. IBM Journal of Research and Development 50(4.5)
July 2006, pp. 339-361.

8. Peter Kogge (Editor & Study Lead) ExaScale Computing Study: Technology
Challenges in Achieving Exascale Systems, DARPA IPTO Technical Report, 2009.

9. Kogge, P.; La Fratta, P.; and Vance, M.. Facing the Exascale Energy Wall, Int.
Workshop on Innovative Architectures, 2010.

10. Kung, K.J., CMOS scaling beyond 32nm: challenges and opportunities. 46th ACM/
IEEE Design Automation, pp. 310–313, 2009.

11. International Technology Roadmap for Semiconductors.

For related stories, visit The Exascale Report Archives.