HPC Wales, a company formed to manage a shared service collaboration of the Universities in Wales, has announced the formation of the UK’s first distributed national supercomputing network. As a result of what is a unique and unprecedented initiative in the UK and the rest of Europe, Welsh companies and university researchers will now have open access to the latest supercomputing technology.
Chief Executive of HPC Wales, David Craddock, said: “We are delighted to announce that not only is Wales home to an enviable high-performance computing network and the largest distributed network in the UK, but both businesses and researchers across Wales are now able to access this innovative technology and services locally, simply and securely to speed up their research processes for commercial innovation.”
The distributed supercomputing network has been made possible with the support of £24 million from the Welsh Government and the Welsh European Funding Office, as well as a further £10 million from the UK Department for Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS). The infrastructure and some services have been developed in partnership with Fujitsu, producers of the world’s second leading supercomputer.
This story originally appeared on HPC Projects. It appears here as part of a cross-publishing agreement with Scientific Computing World.