This week LANL announced a significant performance milestone for a data middleware project involving specialized information organization and storage. The Multi-dimensional Hashed Indexed Middleware (MDHIM) project at Los Alamos National Laboratory recently achieved 1,782,105,749 key/value inserts per second into a globally-ordered key space on Los Alamos National Laboratory’s Moonlight supercomputer.
In the current highly parallel computing world, the need for scalability has forced the world away from fully transactional databases and back to the loosened semantics of key value stores,” says Gary Grider, High Performance Computing division leader at Los Alamos.
MDHIM is a framework on which an application can run thousands of copies of existing key value stores, in multiple programming environments, exploiting the capabilities of an extreme scale computing system. MDHIM, which is sponsored by the U.S. Department of Defense, is being used extensively within the Storage and I/O portion of the DOE FastForward project, which has as its objective “to initiate partnerships with multiple companies to accelerate the R&D of critical component technologies needed for extreme-scale computing.”
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